What is the Permaculture?
Permaculture is guided by 12 principles and ethics.
They are main three Ethics:
1. Earth care: Respect and care for the planet's ecosystems and natural resources.
2. People care: Prioritize the well-being of people, fostering fair and inclusive communities.
3. Fair share: Share surplus resources and strive for equitable distribution.
The 12 principles of permaculture are as follows:
1. Observe and interact: Understand and work with the natural systems in place.
2. Catch and store energy: Efficiently capture and use resources like water and sunlight.
3. Obtain a yield: Ensure that efforts result in useful outputs to sustain the system.
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback: Adapt and improve based on feedback from the environment and outcomes.
5. Use and value renewable resources and services: Prioritize sustainable practices over non-renewable ones.
6. Produce no waste: Minimize waste generation by utilizing resources efficiently.
7. Design from patterns to details: Emulate natural patterns and adapt them to specific contexts.
8. Integrate rather than segregate: Foster connections between elements to create a cohesive and resilient system.
9. Use small and slow solutions: Gradually implement changes to better understand their impact.
10. Use and value diversity: Encourage diverse elements to enhance stability and productivity.
11. Use edges and value the marginal: Utilize the interfaces and boundaries to increase diversity and productivity.
12. Creatively use and respond to change: Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and adaptability.
These principles and ethics form the foundation for designing sustainable and regenerative systems in permaculture.
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